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ISA-ALP C-Level Forum (Virtual Event)

April 24 @ 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm UTC-5

C-Level Forum

Thursday, April 24, 2025 | 12:00pm-6:00pm ET

Are you working to maneuver through a complicated business issue? Looking for input and insight from industry peers? That’s why ISA-ALP offers C-Level Forums.

In our C-Level Forum programming, participants break out into groups. Each C-Level member participant is then given time to present their specific business issue and receive thoughts, feedback, and advice from other group participants. Issues are collected in advance of the program so participants can prepare.

Each group is led by an industry experienced facilitator who guides the group, typically with 5 to 7 attendees each. Each group member is provided ample time to present their individual business issue, receive clarifying questions, and obtain recommendations from their peer colleagues. And as always, confidentiality is strictly enforced in these forums.

C-Level Forum Networking Hour

Wednesday, April 23, 2025 | 6:30pm-7:30pm ET

Join us the evening before the C-Level Forum for a networking hour focused on getting to know your fellow C-Level participants before the forum. A great opportunity to build valuable and meaningful relationships within the ISA-ALP community!

Here are some samples of what previous attendees have said about the value of participating in a C-Level Forum:

“At first I felt uncomfortable airing some of my dirty business laundry with potential competitors. But it didn’t take long to see it was a high-trust setting designed to help us all learn and benefit from each other’s depth of experience. It was like having an instant advisory board of peers who were experts in my business. I left with a solution strategy that I probably would not have found on my own. More important in hindsight was the unexpected connection I’d formed with a group of fellow practitioners”

“It was awesome in every way! (The facilitator) did a great job facilitating the session. Everyone was open in sharing challenges, along with great advice and resources.”

“This event was quite useful for me. I received ideas on my issue that I had not thought about and another way to look at a process I used in the past that I may want to reconsider.”

“This event was extremely relevant and useful to me as I’m in a vulnerable place with my business. (The facilitator) was amazing and really dove into the root of the challenge to be addressed and solved.”

“This was a great use of time. I got a lot of great ideas on my issue and hope I contributed to helping others.”


April 24
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm UTC-5